Jenny Davis Fitness

Braodwas, Worcestershire - - 07886 726102 - -

These classes provide a suitable and enjoyable way to exercise with a qualified and experienced instructor for those who have:

-high blood pressure

-heart disease


-heart failure

But also for those who have other long-term health issues or recovering from injuries and operations.

The classes also work well for those who are keen to be active and healthy and reduce their chances of developing heart disease in the future.

I have a BACPR (British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation) level 4 qualification in Exercise Instruction and I have also worked for the NHS in supporting patients in their phase 3 exercise classes.

The classes are safe and suitable for anyone who has heart disease – as long as they are at least eight weeks post cardiac event. However, you are welcome to bring a partner or spouse or friend with you if they wish to take part.

You will be monitored carefully to ensure you are working at the appropriate level and supported to increase your fitness level, strength, balance, coordination and overall health and wellbeing.

The classes are designed to be fun and sociable as well. We use cardio exercises as well as strength exercises to increase your cardiovascular health and build muscle tone.

My classes involve upbeat music and range of different moves that can be performed at a high, medium  or low level. You can choose to do them with or without arms and they can be adapted up or down depending on your fitness level and preference.

We do a gentle warm up for ten minutes and then we do different exercises for one minute at a time and we alternate between a cardiovascular exercise and a strength exercise. The cardio exercises increase fitness, help with balance and increase energy levels.

Case Study - Hywel Williams.

My name is Hywel. Much to my surprise, I had a heart attack 2 years ago. I was surprised because I do not look like a heart attack waiting to happen. I eat sensibly and do not drink much, I do not smoke and I was pretty fit.

I had excellent support from the Cardiac Rehab Team following my discharge from hospital and this included an experimental short exercise class for 6 patients in recovery. After 6 sessions I was fitter and most importantly no longer anxious about taking vigorous exercise. This is a major unknown for recovering patients and supported exercise is a vital part of realising that you are not an invalid.

After these sessions ended, we were advised to find a regular Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Class and we were given some contacts. The classes run by Jenny Davis were the closest to my I contacted Jenny and arranged to join. New members of the class give information about their condition, so that patient safety and potential is known by Jenny. Most importantly the classes are graded so whatever your fitness at the outset, you are challenged and supported to stretch yourself within your personal capacity. It is good to know you are in safe hands doing this. Being a member of the class ensures that you do your exercise rather than leave it until tomorrow! I need that motivation, as do most people.

I structure my week to do my utmost not to miss a class and I feel very much fitter and stronger as a result and Jenny makes tough exercise fun. I attend once a week and have done so for the last 20 months. I have learnt that, like athletes, we need to warm up before starting heavy jobs especially in the garden. Also you know you have the capability for doing those tough jobs out there.

If going to the class is not enough for you, Jenny also organises social events that do not automatically include exercise! The Christmas Dinner what great fun.  The classes are also very friendly and it is good to get fitter with friends. Come on, join a class now.

Hywel Williams